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STC Membership and CPTC Certification

Writer's picture: Sridhar MuruganSridhar Murugan


1. STC Membership

(STC — Society for Technical Communication)


Society for Technical Communication (STC) is the oldest and biggest body that is dedicated to improve and reform Technical Communication, spread across 43 countries with chapters in major cities, of which I indulge in India and Chennai chapters as an active member and speaker.


The technical Communication team within the workplace would immensely benefit from association with STC pertaining to guidance, triage for writing, staying on par with current trends, and niche skills.

Organizations that have positively started embellishing their documentation deliverable, can be improved to its optimum efficiency by filling in gaps, and Content Management System (CMS) is one of few examples along with DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture).

Technical writing must follow standard styles without exception, which keep changing with times, Microsoft Manual of Style and The Chicago Manual of Style being the most followed ones, STC’s sessions provide updates on these.


STC India with its monthly meetups, regional and annual conferences, brings all-out technical writers (along with countable Instructional Designers and Business Analysts) on a single platform helping us network and learn the role optimization and market needs.

Benefits of STC membership

  • Makes meetups and regional conferences free entry, and gets up to 50% discount on Annual conferences.

  • Plethora of international STC webinars become either free or are available at a discounted price.

  • Brings down CPTC certifications’ cost from 391 GBP to 197 GBP.

Recognized Certifications for technical writers unlike other IT professionals are limited to STC accredited three-step course-based CPTC certifications that also inculcates the project management knowledge.

  • Provides an opportunity to present ideas at its conferences.

2. CPTC Certification

(CPTC — Certified Professional Technical Communicator)


Why Certification

CPTC Foundation

CPTC Practitioner

CPTC Expert

Expert-level exam coming soon!



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